All Posts are related to my research on Web2.0 Tools and links to innovative uses in education.
Feel free to Comment and provide links to other valuable resources.
These tools can be used in any eLearning or traditional school settings that desire to integrate
emerging technologies into their curriculum.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Post 6: Classroom 2.0 (forums Web 2.0)

The quest for the perfect article on the use of Web 2.0 software and integration into education continues. Steve Hargadon does a terrific job at pulling this all together in his wiki titled Classroom 2.0.
He has links to definitions and examples of Blogging, Wikis, Podcasting, and Social Networking. There are over 2500 members in this group. His forum Posts (with many comments) include:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Post 5: Google Docs (Way toooo Cool)

Google Docs Rock (video)

Check out some of the features:

  • NO compatibility issues (unlike Microsoft Word).
  • You can Post (Publish) a Word doc directly into your Blog without even opening the Blog.
  • Even more cool is that one of the options in Google Docs under the FILE command is:
    Export as RTF, or PDF, or HTML(.zip).
    • No special software required to convert to these popular document types.
  • And, to add coolness on top of coolness, select the Google Docs SHARE feature. Invite other people to co-edit with you. It's real-time, live editing.
  • When you Publish a document and make it Public, the URL is provided, so copy/paste the link anywhere (like inside your Blog).

Following is some text I constructed in Google Docs and Published to this Blog.
Anyone can view it; some can edit it. It's up to YOU. This is cool.
Bold and strikeout and and H20 and 7x3 are a few of the included features.

  1. it can also outline using numbers
  2. and make
  3. long lists
  4. Add hyperlinks, images, tables, colors and more.

Very simple, very powerful, very cool.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Post 4: Hot air balloons on way to workshop

2-Day workshop with OSU K12 Online. Stuck the camera up through the roof and snapped several shots of these hot air balloons. It was a part of the festivities taking place in Albany.
The last pic is Tryna leading one of the discussions. These are our online instructors --- a great group of dedicated folks seeking to improve the quality of education in a distance learning environment. Average years of classroom experience is around 25 years. And many of these people have been involved with some form of distance education for 5 or 6 years.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Post 3: Did You Know? (Shift Happens)

Did You Know (Shift Happens) video.
Originally presented to the faculty in a small school district, this video (via YouTube) has been modified and updated by several people and viewed by millions in the past year.

Post 2: Links to Web2.0 Resources

  • Beth's Blog (a REALLY TERRIFIC video on defining a WIKI)
    The key here is PEER EDITING --- LIVE - real time.
  • Wiki Topic: What is Web 2.0?Nice exposure to Wiki'/s and their potential
  • Westwood's wiki SCHOOL Home Page. WOW --- links to everywhere ...
  • Sample CLASS PROJECT 9th Grade: Technology Trends that will be Analyzed.
    This is the wiki based Lesson Plan.
  • Wiki on Web 2.0 Tools for Sharing Information. I believe the instructor had several topics to choose from. The basic research and presentation via wiki needed to have 4 components: Background, Current News, Impact on Education, and Impact on Employment. This wiki is pretty cool ...

Post 1: Introduction

This blog is designed to post materials that can be accessed for E-Learning Workshops and as a resource for educators.
The focus is for E-Learning (distance learning) environments, however, there are many items that can be used for traditional school settings that are trying to integrate technology into their curriculum.