All Posts are related to my research on Web2.0 Tools and links to innovative uses in education.
Feel free to Comment and provide links to other valuable resources.
These tools can be used in any eLearning or traditional school settings that desire to integrate
emerging technologies into their curriculum.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Post 5: Google Docs (Way toooo Cool)

Google Docs Rock (video)

Check out some of the features:

  • NO compatibility issues (unlike Microsoft Word).
  • You can Post (Publish) a Word doc directly into your Blog without even opening the Blog.
  • Even more cool is that one of the options in Google Docs under the FILE command is:
    Export as RTF, or PDF, or HTML(.zip).
    • No special software required to convert to these popular document types.
  • And, to add coolness on top of coolness, select the Google Docs SHARE feature. Invite other people to co-edit with you. It's real-time, live editing.
  • When you Publish a document and make it Public, the URL is provided, so copy/paste the link anywhere (like inside your Blog).

Following is some text I constructed in Google Docs and Published to this Blog.
Anyone can view it; some can edit it. It's up to YOU. This is cool.
Bold and strikeout and and H20 and 7x3 are a few of the included features.

  1. it can also outline using numbers
  2. and make
  3. long lists
  4. Add hyperlinks, images, tables, colors and more.

Very simple, very powerful, very cool.

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