All Posts are related to my research on Web2.0 Tools and links to innovative uses in education.
Feel free to Comment and provide links to other valuable resources.
These tools can be used in any eLearning or traditional school settings that desire to integrate
emerging technologies into their curriculum.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Post 23: I'd like to welcome...

I'd like to welcome you to the E-learning conference at Newport and a little reminder to turn off your cell phones or put them in the vibrate mode and of course I'm sure we can't think of many applications of this tool in the classroom. Listen

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--- If you're viewing this Post for the first time it is important to understand that all the Audio and Text you see above was automatically posted and generated by simply using my Cell Phone! Yes, Jott translatted my audio into text! I began the conference by calling the Jott toll-free number and simply recorded a message. After I hung up Jott took over and did all the rest. A few minutes later this Post magically appeared.

1 comment:

/g said...

Barry - I noticed that you did this the other day too. I want to talk to you sometime about how you're using cell phones in your presentations. Give me a call, or Skype me some time. I'm working on working cell phones in to the four presentations I'm doing over the next three months. I've got a neat thing going with that I'd love to share with you.