All Posts are related to my research on Web2.0 Tools and links to innovative uses in education.
Feel free to Comment and provide links to other valuable resources.
These tools can be used in any eLearning or traditional school settings that desire to integrate
emerging technologies into their curriculum.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Post 35- Rethinking our K-12 Schools (using Web2.0 tools)

Hood River School District (Janice Patton, Curriculum/Instruction)
West Sylvan Middle School (Allison Couch, Principal).
George Fox MAT students (Kathy Sansone, instructor for student teachers)

  1. Welcome (do cell phones belong in a classroom?).

  2. 1-Page Handout for Goals and Hands-on Activities
    Presentation | Gmail | Blogging | Adv. Blogging

  3. Reasons to rethink our K-12 schools

    • Hood River and Sylvan Slideshow | GFU MAT Slideshow
      • Shift Happens, so Pay Attention (engaging with todays kids)
      • Relationships -> Relevance -> Rigor = Results
      • Web2.0 to the rescue

  4. Web2.0 Tools --- Quick Overview
    • Post 12: Jott (cell phone Posting to Blog)
    • Post 14: - social bookmarking in 3 minutes)
    • Post 17: OSLIS - (MLA cite referencing)
    • Google Sites (KISS web design)
      Dale's Site (for staff development. Tons of examples)
      Barry's Site (integrating emerging technologies into education)

      ACTIVITY (Task 1)
    • Gmail (Tutorial) opens the doors. Let's Get Started!
      Create a school-based gMail account.
      Email your partner -> reply -> attach file -> reply

  5. Blogging Demonstrations
  6. Google Docs --- Word, Sheets, Presentations

1 comment:

Kathy Sansone said...

Barry, looking forward to tomorrow! These students are very comfortable with the 3 R's you mention in your intro, and will be a responsive audience.
Many thanks! See you at 9.
- Kathy